Safe Dog Walking
Experience worry-free walks while supporting students with their loans through our innovative app.
Privacy Policy
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA ., created and developed by the company ABAH LLC, EIN 99-4005533, is an entrepreneurial company, in which we love animals, hence DOGOUT was born, an App platform that seeks to connect people who offer the option of walking pets, with clients who want their dogs to be walked safely and efficiently.
With our platform we seek to give customers more security and peace of mind, since they can track their pet in real time, and at any time during the walk they can establish communication with the walkers.
For the walkers, we want it to be an option to earn extra income, and more than doing it with furry animals that provide love and tranquility, the app also supports them so they can take walks using geolocation, which reduces the loss of time traveling to distant places to walk a pet.
In accordance with current regulations and for the purposes of this policy, the following definitions will be taken into account:
Authorization: Prior, express and informed consent of the Owner to carry out the processing of personal data Privacy notice: Verbal or written communication generated by the Controller, addressed to the Owner for the processing of his/her personal data, through which he/she is informed about the existence of the information processing policies that will be applicable to him/her, the way to access them and the purposes of the processing that is intended to be given to the personal data.
Database: Organized set of personal data that is subject to processing.
Beneficiary: person who has succeeded another due to the latter's death (heir).
Personal data: Any information linked to or that can be associated with one or more specific or identifiable natural persons.
Public Data: Data that is not semi-private, private or sensitive. Public data includes, among others, data relating to the civil status of individuals, their profession or occupation, and their status as a merchant or public servant. By its nature, public data may be contained in, among others, public records, public documents, official gazettes and bulletins, and duly executed court rulings that are not subject to confidentiality.
Sensitive data: Sensitive data is understood to be data that affects the privacy of the Owner or whose misuse may lead to discrimination, such as data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in unions, social organizations, human rights organizations or that promote the interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of opposition political parties, as well as data relating to health, sexual life, and biometric data if applicable.
Data Processor: Natural or legal person, public or private, who by itself or in association with others, carries out the processing of personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
Data Controller: Natural or legal person, public or private, who by itself or in association with others, decides on the database and/or the processing of the data.
Data subject: Natural person whose personal data is subject to processing. Processing: Any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion.
Transfer: Data transfer occurs when the controller and/or processor of personal data, located in the United States, sends the information or personal data to a recipient, who is in turn responsible for the processing and is located within or outside the country.
Transmission: processing of personal data involving the communication of the same within or outside the territory of the Republic of the United States when the purpose is to carry out processing by the processor on behalf of the controller.
Rights of information holders
In order to provide peace of mind and confidence to the holders of personal data, the following are the rights that we, as the platform responsible for the processing of personal data, will guarantee in the processing of our databases:
a) Access, know, update and rectify your personal data vis-à-vis THE APPLICATION, as data controller. This right may be exercised, among others, in relation to partial, attached, incomplete, fractioned data, data that may lead to error, or data whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
b) Request proof of the Authorization granted for data processing, by any valid means, except in cases where authorization is not necessary.
c) Be informed by INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA ., upon request, regarding the use that has been given to your personal data.
d) Submit complaints to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, or the entity that takes its place, for violations of the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and other regulations that modify, add to or complement it after a consultation or request process.
e) Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect the constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees.
f) Access free of charge to your personal data that have been processed, at least once every calendar month, and every time there are substantial modifications to this policy that motivate new consultations. These rights may be exercised by: – The owner, who must prove his identity sufficiently by the different means made available to him. – The successors in title of the owner, who must prove such status. – The representative and/or agent of the owner, after proving the representation or power of attorney. – Another person in favor of or for whom the owner has stipulated.
Rights of children and adolescents
In the processing of personal data, respect for the prevailing rights of minors shall be ensured. The processing of personal data of minors is prohibited, except for data that are of a public nature, and in this case the processing must comply with the following parameters: a. Respond to and respect the best interests of minors. b. Ensure respect for the fundamental rights of minors. It is the task of the state and educational entities of all kinds to provide information and capacity to legal representatives and guardians regarding the potential risks that children and adolescents face with respect to the improper processing of their personal data, and to provide knowledge about the responsible and safe use by children and adolescents of their personal data, their right to privacy and protection of their personal information and that of others.
Duties of INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA as the controller and processor of personal data.
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA ., recognizes the ownership of personal data held by individuals and consequently may exclusively decide on them, and therefore will guarantee compliance with the following duties as Controller and/or Manager:
a. Guarantee the holder, at all times, the full and effective exercise of the right to habeas data.
b. Request and retain a copy of the respective authorization granted by the owner for the processing of personal data.
c. Properly inform the owner of the purpose of the collection and the rights granted to him/her by virtue of the authorization granted.
d. Keep the information under the necessary security conditions to prevent its adulteration, loss, consultation, unauthorized or fraudulent use or access.
e. Ensure that the information is true, complete, up-to-date, verifiable and understandable.
f. Update the information in a timely manner, taking into account any new developments regarding the data subject. Additionally, all necessary measures must be implemented to ensure that the information remains up to date.
g. Rectify information when it is incorrect and communicate the relevant information.
h. Respect the security and privacy conditions of the owner's information.
i. Process queries and complaints made in accordance with the terms established by law.
j. Identify when certain information is being discussed by the owner.
k. Inform the owner, upon request, about the use given to his/her data.
l. Inform the data protection authority when security code violations occur and there are risks in the management of the data subjects' information.
m. Comply with the requirements and instructions issued by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce on the particular subject.
n. Use only data whose processing has been previously authorized in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2018.
o. Ensure the appropriate use of personal data of children and adolescents, in those cases where the processing of their data is authorized.
p. Register the legends “claim in process” in the database in the manner regulated by law.
q. Insert into the database the legend “information under judicial discussion” once notified by the competent authority about judicial proceedings related to the quality of personal data.
r. Refrain from circulating information that is being disputed by the owner and whose blocking has been ordered by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.
s. Allow access to information only to people who can access it.
t. Use the personal data of the owner only for those purposes for which it is duly authorized and in all cases respecting the current regulations on the protection of personal data.
Procedures for handling queries, complaints, requests for rectification, updating and deletion of data
Queries: The holders or their successors in title may consult the personal information of the holder that is stored in the databases of INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA, who undertakes to provide all the information contained in the individual record or that is linked to the identification of the holder and therefore guarantees:
– Enable electronic or other means of communication that it considers relevant.
– Establish simplified forms, systems and other methods, which must be reported in the privacy notice.
– In any case, regardless of the mechanism implemented to handle consultation requests, they will be handled within a maximum period of ten (10) business days from the date of receipt. When it is not possible to handle the query within said period, the interested party will be informed before the expiration of the 10 days, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating the date on which the query will be handled, which in no case may exceed five (5) business days following the expiration of the first period.
– Questions can be sent to
The owner or his successors who consider that the information contained in a database should be corrected, updated or deleted, or when they notice the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in the law or in this treatment policy, may file a claim by email to which will be processed under the following rules:
1. The claim of the owner is made by means of a request addressed to _____________________ at the email address with the identification of the owner, the description of the facts that give rise to the claim, the address and accompanying the documents that the owner wishes to assert. If the claim is incomplete, the interested party will be required within five (5) days following receipt of the claim to correct the deficiencies. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the applicant submitting the required information, it will be understood that the claim has been withdrawn. In the event that the person receiving the claim is not competent to resolve it, he will forward it to the appropriate person within a maximum period of two (2) business days and will inform the interested party of the situation.
2. Once the complete claim has been received, it will be labeled with a “claim in process” tag and the reason for the claim within a period of no more than two (2) business days. This label will be maintained until the claim is decided.
3. The maximum term to address the claim will be fifteen (15) business days counted from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to address the claim within said term, the interested party will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which his claim will be addressed, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.
C. Request for update and/or rectification
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA ., will rectify and update, at the request of the owner, the information that is found to be incomplete or inaccurate, in accordance with the procedure and terms indicated above, for which the following will be taken into account:
1. The owner must submit the request by email or in physical form to the Compliance area.
2. indicating the update and/or correction to be made and providing the documentation that suspends your request.
3. INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA may enable mechanisms that facilitate the exercise of this right by the holder, provided that these benefit him/her. Consequently, electronic or other means that it considers pertinent may be enabled, which will be informed in the privacy notice and will be made available to interested parties on the website.
D. Request for data deletion
The owner of the personal data has the right to request INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA ., the deletion (elimination) in any of the following events:
1. When you consider that they are not being treated in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in current regulations.
2. When they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected.
3. When the period necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were collected has been exceeded.
This deletion implies the total or partial elimination of personal information as requested by the owner in the records, files, databases or treatments carried out by INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA. However, this right of the owner is not absolute and consequently INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA may deny the exercise of the same when:
a) The owner has a legal or contractual obligation to remain in the database.
b) The deletion of data hinders judicial or administrative actions linked to tax obligations, the investigation and prosecution of crimes or the updating of administrative sanctions.
c) The data is necessary to protect the legally protected interests of the owner, to carry out an action based on the public interest or to comply with a legal obligation acquired by the owner.
For the above, in compliance with Article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2019, we request your authorization to continue with the processing of your personal data in order to collect, collect, store, use, circulate, delete, process, compile, exchange, treat, update, dispose of the personal data that you have provided to us and that have been incorporated into the databases that INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA has . Likewise, you may exercise the rights to know, update, rectify, delete, request proof of authorization, be informed of the use of your personal data, file complaints with the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of this law and other regulations that modify, add to or complement it.
In cases where the personal data protection legislation is not competent, it will be adjusted to the provisions regarding the processing of personal information according to current legislation. By accepting these general conditions that the USER must know each time he/she enters the Web Platform, the USER is accepting that he/she may receive commercial or advertising information about the products, goods and/or services of INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA
20. COMMITMENT CLAUSE: If the parties decide by mutual agreement in the event of a conflict, they may seek to resolve their conflicts through Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods (ADR), Arbitration Court and other mechanisms established by law and its regulations. In the event of a conflict, the contractual and legal address will be the state of Denver, Colorado.
Terms and Conditions
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA, is a company incorporated under the laws of the United States of America, created by the company ABAH LLC
Legal Nature:
This mobile platform is intended to provide the general public with information about the activities that this company carries out and the services it provides. Please read and review this agreement carefully before using this platform, as it regulates the commercial contractual relationship for the use that you (hereinafter owners/users/customers and Dogoutpaseador) make of it. We assume that you have read and expressly accept its content. If you do not accept this agreement, you should not access this platform or any of its related sites. The terms and conditions of use of the platform described below cover the following topics:
Who we are:
DOGOUT is a Simplified Joint Stock Company that authorizes the use of connecting Dogout walkers - dog walkers with their owners/users/clients who request the management of an order, by means of a mandate contract with the agent, to walk their pet, through its two apps: DOGOUT and DOGOUT (WALKER).
Purpose of the Mobile Platform:
Connect dog walkers with their owners who request the management of an order, through a mandate contract with the agent, to walk their pet
It is a platform that allows free use by various means, namely: Access to the mobile Platform that contains: Website, the DOGOUT Applications, DOGOUT (WALKER) applications that can be downloaded to mobile devices through the virtual application stores of Apple (App Store) and Google (Google Play) and the content delivered through it entails full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Service. Consumers (Owner/Users/Clients and 2 Dogoutwalkers) may use the platform exclusively for their personal use, without this implying the granting of a license to the platform technology of any kind.
DOGOUT INVERSIONS SA, offers through its mobile platform and its DOGOUT, DOGOUT (WALKER) applications two (2) services, namely:
Multiple and/or group walk : Includes the dog walking service for an owner/user/client carried out by a Dogout walker, in which he/she can be with up to 5 other dogs, during the same execution time, (clarify that the walker MAY OR MAY NOT have more dogs. The client is the one who decides whether he/she wants his/her dog to socialize or not, since many clients request this service for economy reasons but do not know what the meaning of the group modality actually means).
(II). Walk (Personalized): This is a dog walking service for owners/users/clients that is carried out by a Dogout walker, in which only one dog can be walked, or several dogs
belonging to the same client depending on the case (with a maximum of 6 dogs at the same time), and in which the owners/users/clients can choose the route they wish to walk their pet.
This General Terms and Conditions Agreement, in accordance with United States regulations, especially Law 1480 "Consumer Statute", and other IRS provisions, regulates the use of the Mobile Platform. It is directed exclusively to OWNERS/USERS/CLIENTS AND DOGOUTWALKER, residents of the United States. OWNERS/USERS/CLIENTS AND DOGOUTWALKER who reside or are domiciled in any other place and who decide to access and/or use this Mobile Platform will do so under their own responsibility and risk. By accessing and using it, they acknowledge that they have read and accepted these Conditions.
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA reserves the right to modify this General Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement at any time, as well as any general or specific conditions resulting from the Mobile Platform. Likewise, INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or stop operating the Mobile Platform at any time.
2. ACCEPTANCE . Access to the Mobile Platform and Applications, to the content delivered through it, implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Service.
3. The OWNERS/USERS/CLIENTS and DOGOUTPASEADOR declares that he/she is of legal age (over 18 years old) and has the necessary legal capacity to use the intermediation service provided by INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA, through its mobile Platform and Applications.
4. The OWNERS/USERS/CLIENTS and DOGOUTPASEADOR , in order to contract the service contained in the mobile Platform and applications, must register, for which purpose they declare that all the information provided is true, complete and accurate.
5. INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE MOBILE PLATFORM . The information provided on the Mobile Platform and Applications of the different services namely: 1. Group Tour 2. Tour (Personalized).
Administrator: Intermediary company (INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA,) that publishes through its mobile platform and applications the services offered in its different categories
Potentially Dangerous Canine Animals: These are dogs considered as such according to the provisions of article 126 of Law 1801 of July 29, 2018 (National Police Code and the State of Colorado).
Contents of INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA: Refers to all the Contents offered through the mobile Platform or the corresponding promotional campaigns and official social networks.
Company: It is the company INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA created and developed by the company ABAH LLC, EIN 99-4005533.
Multiple and/or group walk: Includes the dog walking service for an owner/user/client that is carried out by a Dogout walker, in which he/she can be with up to 6 other dogs, during the same execution time.
Walk (Custom): This is a dog walking service for owners/users/clients that is carried out by a Dogout walker, in which only one dog can be walked, or several dogs belonging to the same client depending on the case (with a maximum of 6 dogs at the same time), and in which the owners/users/clients can choose the route they want their pet to be walked.
Mobile platform: all DOGOUT electronic media, including the website, the Dogout and Dogout (Walker) applications.
Dogout walker: Natural person(s) to whom DOGOUT has approved said category as a dog walker(s) and has (have) met the requirements demanded by DOGOUT to have said category and is (are) duly registered on the mobile platform.
Owner/User/Client: Natural person interested in the dog walking service, who requests a dog walking service.
Schedule Walk: When the user schedules a walk to take place on specific dates and times.
Service: Refers to the Group Tour and Tour (Personalized) service, considered individually or together.
Terms and Conditions: legal contractual document which constitutes the agreement between Owner/User/client, Dogoutpaseador and DOGOUT
The Company INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA may unilaterally and at any time without prior notice modify these Terms and Conditions, without this generating any right to claim or compensation against INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA. Once the Terms and Conditions have been modified, the Company will publish them on its mobile Platform.
The use of the Mobile Platform after any modification indicates the express and irrevocable acceptance by the Owner/User/client and Dogoutpaseador of the new Terms and Conditions. It is the obligation of the Owner/User/client and Dogoutpaseador to periodically review the Terms and Conditions.
8. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE FOR OWNER/USER/CLIENT AND DOGOUTWALKER: Until additional means are provided by the provider, the only means of registration to the platform will be the linking of said registration through the existing account of the Owner/User/client and Dogoutwalker on its mobile Platform. The Owner/User/client and Dogoutwalker must have a username and password to enter the active account, committing to make diligent use of them and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the provider of their loss or theft or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the provider can immediately block access to the platform. The Owner/User/client and Dogoutwalker may not choose a name that is visible to the public, none other than their duly registered legal name. Once the
Owner/User/Client and Dogoutwalker account has been created, the procedure for the use of the platform by the owner of the Pet or Dog will follow the following steps:
1. Pet or Dog Registration: Once the user registers, they will have an option that says “my pets”, where they can add the pets they want, with a specific profile like this:
Pet data:
-Pet Photo:
-Observations of behavior and/or illnesses of the pet: The client must inform DOGOUT of all atypical health and behavior conditions of the pet that may affect the normal provision of the service and/or affect the work of the Dogout walker or the other pets.
2. The Owner/User/client will request a Dogout walker, either in the form of a personalized walk or a group walk.
3. Dogout walkers will receive requests from users, who will be shown to the nearest walkers by geolocation.
The Owner/User/client may choose to pay for the selected service by credit card or cash in accordance with the selected method.
Depending on the type of ride chosen by the user, the rates are included and broken down on the website and/or App.
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA, through a mobile platform, will charge the Dogout walker a commission for intermediation of 35% on the value of the walk.
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA reserves the right to reject an order for the following reasons:
1. By identifying or suspecting falsehood in the data provided either by the User or by the Dogout walker.
2. Due to inconsistencies in the price or description of the service or services offered
3. By determining that there are sufficient disqualifications by one or more dog owners against a Dogout walker for not having provided previous services meeting high quality standards required at the sole discretion of the provider.
Group Walk
It includes the dog walking service for an owner/user/client that is carried out by a Dogout walker, in which he/she can be with up to 5 other dogs, during the same execution time.
The service will be provided by a Dogoutwalker, a natural person approved by the Company and previously registered on our platform. Before accepting the Dogoutwalker,
the Company has verified his/her judicial and attorney background, and will also require him/her to watch an instructional video on how to provide the service in a safe and pleasant manner. After this, the Dogoutwalker must take a test to understand and assimilate the contents of the video. Likewise, DOGOUT reserves the right to evaluate the knowledge of the Dogoutwalkers at any time and without prior notice.
The Dogout walker who will provide the Group Walk is located near the User and may walk a maximum of 5 Pets - Dogs at a time.
It is available nationwide, in any location.
The service can be requested at any time or scheduled through the DOGOUT app.
Personalized Tour
This corresponds to the service of walking one dog and up to six dogs simultaneously for one owner/user/client, carried out by a Dogout walker, in which only one dog can be walked, and in which the owner/user/client can choose the route they wish to walk their pet.
The service will be provided by a Dogoutwalker, a natural person approved by the Company and previously registered on our platform. Before accepting the Dogoutwalker, the Company will verify his/her judicial and attorney background, and will also require him/her to watch an instructional video on how to provide the service in a safe and pleasant manner.
The Dogout walker who will provide the Personalized Walk is located near the User and may only walk one Pet or several of the same client's Pets, depending on the case (with a maximum of 6 dogs at the same time).
Considering that INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA constitutes a mobile platform that acts as an intermediary and given the limited functionality of the platform and the role it plays, INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA is not responsible for events unrelated to or external to those related to the platform and its purpose.
INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA shall not be liable for (a) damage, economic loss or viruses that may infect equipment, computer programs, data or other property as a result of accessing Our Mobile Platform or downloading content from it, (b) any injury, destruction, loss, claim, cause of force majeure, accident, delay or any damage, including direct or indirect damage, consequential damage, loss of profits, moral damage, loss of life in relation, special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental or important of any kind, whether contractual or extra-contractual in nature that are in any way related to: - the use of Our Mobile Platform, or the content; - any failure, delay (including the inability to use any component of Our Mobile Platform to access the services offered); - the performance or inactivity of us or a supplier, even if we are informed that such damages will occur. In the event that use of Our Mobile Platform results in the need to service, repair or correct equipment or information, the user assumes any costs resulting therefrom.
12. COVERAGE of the services of: Group Tour - Personalized Tour in the following cases:
The pet will not be covered by our insurance as long as the client complies with the
owner's recommendations listed below. The insurance covers accidents caused by the walking activity, it does not cover illnesses of the pet and natural death, or any physical condition that the pet has and is not a result of the walk.
Find the policy here:
This policy may be modified and/or cancelled by DOGOUT at any time and without prior notice to OWNERS/USERS/CLIENTS or Dogout walkers.
The pet must have an identification tag or chip to avoid losing the pet. If it is a Potentially Dangerous Canine, in accordance with Article 126 of Law 1801 of July 29, 2016 (National Police and Coexistence Code), it is mandatory that it wears a muzzle, or if it has had aggressive behavior in the same way, the pet must be delivered with a resistant harness that does not allow the pet to remove or release it.
In accordance with the Police Code (Law 1801 of 2016 “BY WHICH THE NATIONAL POLICE AND COEXISTENCE CODE IS ISSUED.”):
Article 126. Potentially dangerous canine specimens. Potentially dangerous canine specimens are those that present one or more of the following characteristics:
Canines that have had episodes of aggression towards people; or have caused the death of other dogs.
Canines that have been trained for attack and defense.
Canines that belong to one of the following breeds or their crosses or hybrids: American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Dogo Argentino, Dogo de Burdeos, Fila Brasileiro, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Canary Presa 9, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Japanese Tosa and those new breeds or mixtures of breeds that the National Government determines. Article 127. Responsibility of the owner or holder of potentially dangerous canines. The owner or holder of a potentially dangerous canine assumes full responsibility for the damages and losses caused to people, property, public roads and spaces and the natural environment in general. Paragraph. The Government shall regulate within a period of six (6) months what is related to the issuance of non-contractual civil liability policies that will cover this type of contingencies.
Article 128. Registration of potentially dangerous specimens. The categories indicated in the previous articles of this chapter must be registered in the census of potentially dangerous canines that will be established in the municipalities, in order to obtain the respective permit. This registry must necessarily include: 1. Name of the canine specimen. 2. Identification and location of its owner. 3. A description that includes the phenotypic characteristics of the specimen that make its identification possible. 4. The usual place of residence of the animal, with the specification of whether it is intended to live with humans or whether it will be destined for guarding, protection or another specific task. In order to proceed with the registration of the animal, its owner must provide a non-contractual civil liability
policy, which will cover compensation for property damages that said specimens cause to people, property, or other animals; as well as the vaccination record of the specimen, and a current health certificate, issued by the State Health Secretariat. It will be mandatory to renew the registration annually, for which the requirements established for the first time must be accredited. This registry will also record any fines or corrective measures that occur, and any attack incidents involving the animal. Once the specimen is registered, the district, state or local delegated authority will issue the respective permit to possess this type of dog. This permit may be requested at any time by the respective police authorities.
Article 129. Control of potentially dangerous dogs in communal areas. In gated communities, housing estates and buildings with a horizontal property regime, the presence of potentially dangerous dogs may be prohibited, at the request of any of the co-owners or residents and by qualified decision of three-quarters of the assemblies or boards of directors of the co-ownership.
For the purposes of the free exercise of the Right of Withdrawal provided for in Article 47 of the Consumer Statute (Law 1480 of 2011). The maximum term to exercise the right of withdrawal will be five (5) business days counted from the reservation of the service. DOGOUT must return the money to the Owner/User/client for all sums paid without making any discounts or retentions for any reason. In any case, the return of the money to the Owner/User/client may not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the moment in which the right was exercised.
In the event of cancellation by the Owner/User/customer of the reservation, this must be communicated in writing to, to the company's email address; in this case, a refund will only be made if applicable, and a credit will be made to the account of the owner of the natural person or legal entity that made the RESERVATION to the account of INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA
16. PAYMENT METHODS: Once the owner/user/client has made the reservation for the service, he/she will be ready to make the payment through our mobile platform by electronic payment or in cash with the Dogout walker.
17. REVERSALS AND CHARGEBACK POLICY: This Reversals and Chargebacks Policy is intended to regulate the conditions and procedure for the reversal of payments requested by the Owner/User/client as provided for in article 51 of Law 1480 of 2011, and the express procedure indicated in Decree 587 of 2016, when the
acquisition of goods or services has been made through electronic commerce mechanisms and, for this purpose, credit cards, debit cards or any other electronic payment instrument has been used. The participants in the payment process must reverse the payments requested by the Owner/User/client and DOGOUTPASEADOR when they are the subject of fraud, or correspond to an unsolicited transaction, or the purchased product is not received, or the delivered product does not correspond to what was requested or is defective.
In order for the payment reversal to proceed, within five (5) business days following the date on which the USER AND/OR DOGOUTPASEADOR became aware of the fraudulent or unsolicited transaction or that they should have received the product or received it defective or not corresponding to what was requested, the Owner/User/client AND DOGOUTPASEADOR must file a complaint and return the product, when applicable, and notify the claim to the issuer of the electronic payment instrument used to make the purchase, which, together with the other participants in the payment process, will proceed to reverse the transaction to the Owner/User/client AND DOGOUTPASEADOR.
Payment reversals are not applicable when payments have been made through in-person channels. Paragraph 1. The provisions will only be effective for transactions in which the USER or seller and the entity issuing the electronic payment instrument are domiciled in the United States. Paragraph 2. When the acquisition of products is made through electronic commerce mechanisms such as the Internet, PSE (secure online payments), and a credit card, debit card or any other electronic payment instrument has been used to make the payment, the participants in the payment process must reverse the payments requested by the USER in any of the following cases: a. When the USER is the object of fraud. b. When it corresponds to an unsolicited transaction. c. When the purchased product or service is not received. d. When the delivered product or service does not correspond to what was requested, does not comply with the inherent characteristics or those attributed by the information provided about it. e. When the delivered product or service is defective. Partial Reversal. When the acquisition corresponds to several products, the consumer may request a partial reversal of the payment for those for which any of the events mentioned in the previous article occur. The USER must clearly state the value for which the REVERSAL is requested , which must correspond to the value of the product or products for which the cause arises. Notification of the issuer of the electronic payment instrument . Within the same period of five (5) business days that the USER has to file the complaint with the provider of the good or service, the USER must notify the issuer of the electronic payment instrument used to make the purchase through the channels available of the claim regarding the acquisition of the good or service. For such purpose, the notification of the USER indicating the fact of having satisfied the obligation to return the good when appropriate and the support or proof of filing the complaint with the provider is sufficient. The issuer of the payment instrument will be subject to what is stated by the USER regarding the return of the service. Payment reversal procedure. Once the REVERSAL request has been submitted to the issuer of the electronic payment instrument used, the participants in the payment process will have a term of fifteen (15) business days to make it effective. For this purpose, when the issuer of the payment instrument
REVERSES , it will verify once per request the existence of funds in the respective account and will proceed to make the discounts according to the chronological order in which the notifications were submitted. The REVERSAL of the transaction will be made partially when there are not sufficient resources in the supplier's account. In these cases, the supplier must directly reimburse the USER of the product for the value of the transaction or the missing amount. In any case, the issuer of the payment instrument must inform the USER of this . Controversy arising from the request for payment reversal. In addition to the provisions of the third paragraph of article 51 of Law 1480 of 2011, in the event that there is any controversy arising from the claim for payment reversal and provided that there is a final pronouncement by a jurisdictional or administrative authority determining that it was not admissible, the USER is responsible for all costs incurred on the occasion of the REVERSAL. In this case, the issuer of the payment instrument, together with the other participants in the payment process, once the decision has been notified to the jurisdictional or administrative authority, will definitively charge the disputed transaction to the consumer and the money will be made available to the supplier, provided that there are funds in the savings account, credit card or payment instrument used to make the disputed purchase. The financial institution will verify the existence of funds only once and the charge may be partial in the event that these are not sufficient. In these cases, the consumer must directly reimburse the product supplier for the value of the transaction, or the missing amount, and other costs.
Owner/User/client and Dogoutwalkers acknowledge and accept that all intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and/or any other elements inserted in the Mobile Platform (including, without limitation, trademarks, logos, trade names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flow charts, presentation, audio and video) INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA, authorizes the Owner/User/client AND DOGOUTPASEADOR to use, view, print, download and store the contents and/or elements inserted in the Mobile Platform exclusively for personal, private and non-profit use, refraining from performing any act of decompilation, reverse engineering, modification, disclosure or supply on them. Any other use or exploitation of any contents and/or other elements inserted in the Mobile Platform other than those expressly provided for herein will be subject to prior authorization from INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA
All content on the Mobile Platform is offered by INVERSIONES DOGOUT SA , in accordance with the legislation in force in Colorado, United States, especially the Political Constitution of 1991, Law 1480 of 2011 (Consumer Statute), Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1499 of 2014, Decree 1074 of 2015, Decree 587 of 2016 and other concordant regulations.
The Consumer expressly declares that he/she has the legal capacity to use the Platform and to enter into commercial transactions that may be generated with the Agents. He/she also declares that he/she has provided real, true and reliable information; therefore, he/she expressly and unequivocally declares that he/she has read, understands and accepts all of the situations regulated in this document of Terms and Conditions of Use of the Platform, and therefore undertakes to fully comply with the duties, obligations, actions and omissions expressed herein.
21.1) COLORADO BUSINESS BANK - applicable between August 15, 2023 and February 15, 2024: By agreeing to our processing of your personal data in accordance with this personal data processing policy, you authorize us to share your identification and contact information with the referenced banking entity, which is supervised by the United States Financial Superintendency, so that they can contact you in order to promote or offer you credit products (credit cards or free-consumption loans) or savings products.
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